Historic Airport

It’s not all about the destination,
although those are pretty spectacular around here.

Historic Airport

A "Must See" for Aviation Enthusiasts

Just as the great passenger trains stopped regularly at La Posada, so too did the passenger planes stop at Winslow’s airport. Winslow watched all the notorious aviators touch down and plenty of famous movie stars who were traveling east from Los Angeles or headed back to Hollywood.

In 1928 the Nation’s first passenger airline was created. It was the Transcontinental Air Transport Co., aka TAT Airlines. The new airline planned a route stretching from coast to coast, and rather than carry mail they carried people. It was a novel concept at the time…

As chairman of the technical committee for the airline, the famed aviator, Col. Charles Lindbergh was assigned to map the exact route and to design the airports that would dot the nation.

The airport was constructed in 1929 and the City of Winslow rapidly changed. Many transcontinental flights landed daily in Winslow by the 1950’s. With the introduction of jet airplanes the stop for fuel was no needed as it had been and activity at the airport quieted down.

Today, the airport serves primarily privately owned planes and slurry bombers when firefighting from the air is needed in Northern Arizona.

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